What should I expect during my first physiotherapy visit?

Your physiotherapist (PT) is a trained and licensed professional, with years of experience working with people with various injuries and health conditions.

You’ll work collaboratively through the entire process. You’re the center of the journey to health and wellness and we are here to help you get your life back.If there are additional services we recommend, or if PT isn’t the right choice for your injury, we will discuss this with you during your first appointment. Our clients refer their friends to our clinic for a reason. We provide excellent care, outcomes, and customer service.

Start by talking to your PT:

  • Review your medical history.
  • Discuss the accident or injury.
  • Dive into the problem and how it's impacting your life.
  • Even if you don't think it's relevent, let us know your medical history and lifestyle factors. This is a no-judgment zone. We want you to be open and honest so we can meet your needs.

Next is a complete physical assessment which includes some or all of the following:

  • Looking at how you move & walk.
  • Taking measurements.
  • Palpation - Feeling the bones, joints, and soft tissue structures.
  • Special tests - these are physical assessments that help with diagnosis.

Then, your PT creates a custom rehabilitation plan with you:

  • You are an important part of the rehabilitation process.
  • Your PT works with you when developing the best course for your rehabilitation services.
  • We know you have a life and responsibilities outside the PT clinic, and we want to accommodate your needs and preferences while providing the optimum rehabilitation program.

Start improving your movement and reducing pain:

  • We aim to provide pain relief on the first visit, however, this depends greatly on the situation and the injury.
  • The number of follow-up visits depends on your specific situation. We don’t decide the treatment plan until we have met and evaluated you.
  • Prepare for a home exercise program that maximizes your outcomes and helps you get back to normal even faster!

Aquatic Physical Therapy


What services do physiotherapists or manual therapists provide?