What assessments are used in occupational therapy?

Customized assessments are available to improve your performance. 

We customize each client’s rehabilitation program to ensure your goals are met in the most efficient, comfortable, and enjoyable ways possible. Here are assessments we offer at SMART Rehab:

Ergonomic Assessments – On The Worksite or Home Offices

Ergonomics assessments help you to perform your best at work without experiencing the aches and pains that are caused by an office or work setup that doesn’t fit you. Many people are working from home, so ergonomic assessments are more important than ever.Employers and employees both benefit when the work environment and tasks are ergonomically sound.

  • Do you have wrist, neck, or back pain after being at your computer all day?
  • Do your fingers go numb when you're working?
  • Do you have a history of injuries at work, despite trying to be careful?

Occupational therapists also evaluate the ergonomics of work-sites for those who are still working outside their homes. Our team at SMART Rehabilitation can help you prevent injuries and disability.

Aging in Place and Home Safety Assessments in Kamloops

Everyone knows it – there’s no place like home.Home is most likely where you want to be as you age. You’re most comfortable at home and it’s filled with memories of the life you’ve created. We understand and respect your desire to be home.SMART Rehabilitation is here to help you safely stay in your home longer. Our occupational therapists are experts in home safety, fall prevention, and home modification.SMART Rehabilitation OTs come to your home and complete an assessment that includes your strengths, supports, and areas where you can benefit from changes. We provide custom recommendations, equipment, and modification ideas.Changes to your home environment, or the way you complete tasks can help prevent falls and injuries and keep you out of the hospital and in the comfort of your own home.

Return to Work Services Kamloops

We understand the balance between recovery and returning to work.If you’ve been hurt at work, you may not be sure if you can return or should return. This is likely a scary and difficult time in your life. We understand and want to help guide you through this process.Return to work services provide the employee and employer with critical information so the team can work toward the best outcomes for your unique situation.Each rehabilitation program includes early and consistent communication with you (the client), the primary care physician, insurer, and departmental manager/health & safety representative.After gaining your consent, our consultant therapist obtains medical and functional information and compares this against pre-disability and alternate job demands to identify return to work opportunities and communicate this to decision-makers. This includes job site visits, job demand analysis, work hardening, and work conditioning.We keep you informed and at the center of our focus through this process.

Rehabilitation After Concussion or Whiplash

Concussions are becoming alarmingly common, and have a much larger impact than you may realize.Concussions are becoming alarmingly common, and have a much larger impact than you may realize. They leave lasting effects if not treated appropriately.New evidence has suggested that exercise therapy can help recovery after a concussion. Controlled exercise during your recovery improves blood flow and healing. This leads to your brain functioning properly and you feeling like yourself again.If you have a concussion, early evaluation and targeted treatment can relieve your symptoms and help you start thinking clearly.Concussions or minor head injuries can affect these areas and more:

  • Concentration & Organization
  • School & Work
  • Driving & Cooking
  • Sleep

Concussions can leave you confused, foggy, and overwhelmed – we can help you.Call SMART Rehabilitation today – our highly trained medical professionals will determine the proper course of treatment and work with you one-on-one to help you recover fully.Read more about exercise and concussion HERE.

Wheelchair & Mobility Assessments in Kamloops

Finding the right wheelchair isn’t a simple task – there are thousands of styles, modifications, and functions.Finding the right wheelchair isn’t a simple task – there are thousands of styles, modifications, and functions.Occupational therapists select the appropriate manual or power mobility option after a comprehensive assessment.This assessment includes:

  • Your physical and cognitive status & anticipated changes over time
  • Home/community access requirements
  • Available funding

Our therapists also assess for pressure-relieving seating systems and mattresses. Consultants work with equipment vendors and implement trial periods to ensure proper selection before a final purchase is made.You are always first in our minds when choosing wheelchair and mobility options. We want you to be as independent and safe as possible in your new wheelchair. The right mobility device will help you gain freedom, comfort, and improve your quality of life.


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