In the clinic we are hearing a lot of people wish they would have known about the benefits available to them sooner. I hope this information empowers you to take steps with your own health care after your accident. 

In May 2021, ICBC switched to the new enhanced care model of auto insurance. This new model came with a number of changes compared to the company’s prior tort model.

Enhanced care was designed around the auto insurance system that has existed in Saskatchewan for the past decade. While it adds pieces of legislation that would focus on residents in BC.

This model focuses on their client’s ability to receive health care services early on. Early intervention and education are critical for all injuries- physical, cognitive, or emotional.

One of the first benefits that ICBC offers is funded sessions to a variety of allied health care providers.

The Medical Treatment Access:

-              25 Physiotherapy sessions

-              12 Kinesiology sessions

-              12 Clinical Counselling sessions

-              12 Registered Massage Therapy sessions

-              25 Chiropractic sessions

-              12 Psychology sessions

-              12 Acupuncture sessions

While Occupational Therapy services are not pre-approved, these services can be approved by your recovery specialist if you are experiencing symptoms and limitations that are affecting your daily life.

These treatments are available during the first 12 weeks after your accident- otherwise known as your early access period. If further treatments are required, your health care providers can submit for an extension to your recovery specialist at ICBC for further funding.

Sessions are funded up to a pre-determined rate by ICBC. You should always check with your provider, to inquire if there any extra charges, service fees or top ups compared to the ICBC rate. If there is a difference you would be required to pay the difference in services. At Smart Rehab we don’t charge more than the pre-approved rate as we know that during this difficult time in your life your finances may look a little different too.

You are NOT required to have a physician/Dr. referral for any of these services. All you need is your ICBC claim number and your personal health care card to get set up with the provider.

Medications and Medical Supplies Benefit: This benefit covers the costs of your over the counter or prescription medications and medical supplies. This can be items such as topical creams, pain relievers, or dressings. This benefit is covered under a reimbursement basis. You can purchase what has been medically recommended by your health care providers and submit the receipt to your ICBC recovery specialist. If you have been recommended to purchase any larger items, it’s a good idea to consult with your claim’s specialist first.

Ambulance and Travel Expenses Benefit: If you were taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital, you can submit your BCEHS invoice to your claims specialist for them to cover. Following the accident if you are unable to drive, alternate methods of transportation can be arranged for you to be able to attend your appointments. A health care provider can help you arrange your taxi account with ICBC that will have a number of pre-approved locations. These locations can include your doctor, physiotherapist, kinesiologist, or occupational therapist, even your closest community centre can be a pre-approved location. If you are able to drive or are having a partner or friend drive you, ask your adjuster for the travel expense form. This will help you keep track of the mileage, bridge tolls, or parking fees that you may have acquired attending treatments.

Income Replacement Benefit: If you are unable to do your job as a result of the accident you can submit documents to your recovery specialist to help determine your wage replacement. These documents include your past income tax returns, paystubs from before the accident and the paystub that includes the date of the accident. You can continue to receive income loss assistance as long as you remain off work due to injuries sustained in the accident. It’s important to know that if you were injured driving while at work then you would need to file a WorkSafe BC claim. Click here to learn more about the income replacement benefits. 

Personal Care Assistance Benefit: If you are struggling or unable to complete tasks in your daily life activities such as self-care or home management tasks there is a benefit to help assist you.  Self-care tasks are daily activities such as grooming/hygiene, toileting, showing/bathing, dressing/undressing. Home management tasks are those such as meal preparation, light/ heavy housekeeping, laundry, yard work, shopping, or community outings. In order to access this benefit ICBC will engage an occupational therapist to work with you and assess your ability to complete these tasks in your home. A report is provided to ICBC to outline the areas in while support is required. A PCA is approved for 8-12 weeks before ICBC requires an OT to repeat the personal care assessment.

When you are looking for daily or weekly self-care and home assistance you can choose to engage a company that has been pre-approved on the "ICBC Roster Homemaking and Attendant Care Service Providers" list. Alternatively, you can hire a friend or family member to assist you however they are not able to charge as high of a rate as a rostered provider. The Personal Care Assistance Benefit is available on a reimbursement basis. You must create an itemized receipt showing how many hours and what services were provided and the individual or company has been paid. These receipts must be sent to your claim’s specialist for reimbursement.

Click here to see the Enhanced Care Accident Benefit Guide that will walk you through all the benefits ICBC has to offer with ECB. 

Click here to get access to the direct deposit form you can fill out to have any reimbursements sent straight to you bank account to avoid lengthy waits for your cheque in the mail. 

There are other benefits that you might be able to access with enhanced care, however these are just a few of the ones we are seeing the most frequently and we wanted to help bring awareness to.


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